Mount Annan Public School

The Key to the Future

Telephone02 4647 2399

P & C

Welcome to the Mount Annan Public School P&C Association!

📣 Be Part of the Conversation!

At Mount Annan Public School, we believe in fostering a strong sense of community, and our P&C Association is at the heart of it all. Join the conversation, share your ideas, and make a difference in your child's school experience.

Become a member today (

📅 Meetings Twice a Term

Mark your calendars! Our P&C meetings are held twice a term, every Wednesday at 6pm during Week 3 and Week 8. It's the perfect opportunity to stay informed, voice your opinions, and contribute to the decisions that shape our school community.

🛍️ Volunteer Opportunities

We thrive on the support of our dedicated volunteers! Whether you have a knack for organization or a passion for helping others, there's a place for you. Join us in the uniform shop, lend a hand at our special events such as Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls, and become an integral part of the Mount Annan Public School experience.

Get in touch with us at

Together, we can create a positive and engaging environment for our students. Join the Mount Annan Public School P&C Association ( and make a meaningful impact in your school community. Your involvement matters! 

P&C Executive 

President: Michelle J

Vice President: Emma B

Vice President: 


Treasurer: Sabrina M

Fundraiser Co-ordinator: Sarah B

Uniform Co-ordinator: Sarah S

P & C Role Statements

President Role

Vice President Role

Treasurer Role

Secretary Role

Non Executive Members