Mount Annan Public School strives to provide quality teaching and learning programs for all students. Committed and experienced teaching staff astutely guide the development of the whole child. Class structures are used to encourage maximum achievement of outcomes for students. The school community achieves positive home-school partnerships through a shared approach to high standards of behaviour, instilling of values and wearing of the school uniform. We recognise the contributions of the whole school community in providing an education that enables our students to gain their "key to the future".
School vision
Our Vision is to provide quality teaching and learning in a safe, caring and supportive environment that promotes excellence and life-long learning to develop confident, active and informed global citizens within a complex, changing world.
Bell times
8:15 Morning playground bell
8:45 Classes begin
10:45 Lunch eating bell
10:55 Lunch play bell
11:25 End of lunch play bell
1:25 Recess bell
1:55 End of Recess bellĀ
2:40 Final bell